Apply- High Schools

Apply to an Acero High School

Acero high schools are committed to both academic preparation and graduate success. We do so through a dynamic high school environment deeply entrenched in fostering a college-going culture.


9th Grade

Acero Schools participates in GoCPS administered by Chicago Public Schools (CPS) for 9th-grade enrollment. You may learn more about GoCPS by visiting for additional details regarding applying. Visit for the latest information.  


Grades 10-12

Applications for grades 10-12 are included in our annual enrollment lottery. Please see below for additional information.


Please feel free to contact our high school enrollment staff directly for more information about enrollment or transfers:

Acero Campus Enrollment Staff Member Cell Phone Number
Cruz (K-12), Garcia, Soto Jessica Munoz (312) 282-5231


You may also visit any Acero high school for assistance with completing the application process. Please call ahead to your preferred school to set up an application appointment. Click here for a directory of school addresses and phone numbers.



Make sure to sign up for our email list for the most up-to-date enrollment information!




Click here to review our full Lottery Policy
Find answers below to "High School Application– FAQs"